
Showing posts from September, 2017

Post 3

. With regards to the ELA technology standards, I feel confident in my ability to teach all of the standards relating to grades 9-12 which are the grades most concerned with the area I want to go into with teaching. I have experienced these standards and have done multiple activities throughout my schooling that have given me firsthand experience with the standards and I think that will allow my students to reach these standards as I share my accounts with them and how they can retain the same information for their later years in school. . Since my students will be around 16-18, and I believe one of the purposes of teaching high school is to prepare students for college, one search engine I would like to use with my students is Google Scholar. I would explain to them how in the coming years they will be asked to write a number of research papers which reference scholarly journal articles. I would further explain that Google Scholar is a search engine that specifically searches scho

Post 2

. As a student, I have used Microsoft Word mainly to write the essays I have had for my classes. Last year, at my previous college (I am a sophomore transfer to Florida State), I took a class that was similar to ENC 1101 and we worked solely in Word for all of our essays which were about 1-2 a week. It was new to me at first, using Word but by the end of the class, I had become familiar enough to finally use those student perks and download a Microsoft Word application onto my Mac. The two main ways I have seen my teachers use Word is to grade and make comments on essays I have turned in, and to make their syllabi. The professor for the class I took at my previous college used the track changes feature in Word to give us feedback and criticisms of our essays. . One of the main experiences I have had with copyright and fair use of materials is professors providing pdf files of textbook chapters in the first week or so of class while students are in the process of getting their textboo

Blog Entry 1

1. Students can be influenced to use technology in the classroom based on how they were raised. If a student has grown up around technology and is comfortable using it, said student will be more inviting to the use of technology in the classroom. With the rise of technology, it can become a useful tool to better connect with a classroom and cater to a variety of learning styles. Likewise, students are what can influence a teacher to implement technology in his/her classroom. As mentioned before, students have a variety of different learning styles and it is important to try to cater to all of them to promote success in the classroom and technology is a great tool for that purpose. 2. I think the ITSE standards are incredibly useful and can be a good resource for teachers and students when using technology in the classroom. One standard that is meaningful to me is the student standard of "Creative Communicator." I grew up during the rise of social media and I have had firsth

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