Blog Entry 1

1. Students can be influenced to use technology in the classroom based on how they were raised. If a student has grown up around technology and is comfortable using it, said student will be more inviting to the use of technology in the classroom. With the rise of technology, it can become a useful tool to better connect with a classroom and cater to a variety of learning styles. Likewise, students are what can influence a teacher to implement technology in his/her classroom. As mentioned before, students have a variety of different learning styles and it is important to try to cater to all of them to promote success in the classroom and technology is a great tool for that purpose.

2. I think the ITSE standards are incredibly useful and can be a good resource for teachers and students when using technology in the classroom. One standard that is meaningful to me is the student standard of "Creative Communicator." I grew up during the rise of social media and I have had firsthand experience using social media platforms as a form of communication. This type of technology can allow students to make connections with people they never thought they could make connections with and in turn, create valuable friendships and connections that can last a lifetime. One standard that seems outside my current skill set is the teacher standard of "Facilitator." Although it is important to facilitate learning with technology, every student is different and can take varying approaches to using technology which I believe can be extremely challenging.

3. I do agree with the label of "digital native" for today's youth. I think it is a fitting term to describe the relationship between technology and the younger population. To me, to be a digital native is to be someone who has grown up around technology and is familiar enough with the technology they use in their everyday life. Yes, I have seen some differences between how myself and some of my teachers use technology. Throughout high school, some of my older teachers would frequently ask the students how to use a particular piece of technology before asking another adult. I feel like that approach helped because it initiated a positive attitude throughout the classroom in order to solve a problem and I believe that can have a ripple effect between students as well as between students and teachers. I only expect a small amount of differences between me and my future students because I consider myself a digital native. Although the technology may be different, I still feel I will be comfortable enough as my students when using technology in the classroom.
