Post 2

. As a student, I have used Microsoft Word mainly to write the essays I have had for my classes. Last year, at my previous college (I am a sophomore transfer to Florida State), I took a class that was similar to ENC 1101 and we worked solely in Word for all of our essays which were about 1-2 a week. It was new to me at first, using Word but by the end of the class, I had become familiar enough to finally use those student perks and download a Microsoft Word application onto my Mac. The two main ways I have seen my teachers use Word is to grade and make comments on essays I have turned in, and to make their syllabi. The professor for the class I took at my previous college used the track changes feature in Word to give us feedback and criticisms of our essays.

. One of the main experiences I have had with copyright and fair use of materials is professors providing pdf files of textbook chapters in the first week or so of class while students are in the process of getting their textbooks. My CLT 3370 professor had given us the first two chapters of our textbook but recently he told us he could no longer print out the chapters because it would become a copyright issue. As an English teacher, I know I will have to incorporate excerpts from texts and books throughout the year. What I would try to do is use the excerpts as a basis for developing my own teaching materials instead of just using the whole excerpt itself and going from there.

. In regards to the issue of academic dishonesty and how easy it is for students to cheat using technology, during tests and quizzes in my classroom, I would have every student place his/her phone in the front of the class either resting against the whiteboard or in a box. In terms of copyright issues, whenever I would assign essays or presentation (which would be frequently considering I want to be an English teacher) weeks before I assigned the first essay or presentation, I would spend a significant amount of time teaching my students the proper way to cite images and quotes from a variety of sources. I feel like this would be important to teach at the high school level because once in college, citing sources becomes a necessity. Concerning the digital divide, I know, especially at the high school level, many kids are familiar with technology but there are still some who are not. To give as much as support as possible, I would try to use technology that is as easy to understand for students who are familiar with technology as well as students who aren't. I also would offer additional help after school or during my planning period to help any student who wishes to become more familiar with the kind of technology I would be using in my classroom.


  1. I totally agree that students should be taught how to properly cite sources in high school. That was one of the largest obstacles for me when I got into my first college-level English course. I was not aware how to properly cite sources and I lost a lot of points because of it.

  2. Great ideas to stop academic dishonesty in your classroom!

  3. I know that those ideas for academic dishonesty/cheating will work from firsthand experience! Through out high school every teacher had a phone box and even on normal class days would take our phones since it helped prevent cheating and helped us stay focused. Another idea that only one of my teachers did was have one of those wall shoe holders and assigned each student a number and slot for their phone so that they couldn't complain about "I want to see my property" etc.

  4. I think your approach to teach kids proper citation is so important. I remember in high school I was always told to cite my pictures and quotes and you mentioned, but we didn't learn how to do so properly until my school became more technology driven and required us to have our own laptops. So prior to using more technology, my classmates and I had a very difficult time trying to write citations and works cited pages. So it's definitely good to teach fair use and copyright even if your school isn't heavily reliant on technology.

  5. I was surprised when you said that you had to get used to using word because I have grown up using it! I also think your idea to put the kids phones in the front of the class is a smart idea. Great Blog post!


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