Post 3

. With regards to the ELA technology standards, I feel confident in my ability to teach all of the standards relating to grades 9-12 which are the grades most concerned with the area I want to go into with teaching. I have experienced these standards and have done multiple activities throughout my schooling that have given me firsthand experience with the standards and I think that will allow my students to reach these standards as I share my accounts with them and how they can retain the same information for their later years in school.

. Since my students will be around 16-18, and I believe one of the purposes of teaching high school is to prepare students for college, one search engine I would like to use with my students is Google Scholar. I would explain to them how in the coming years they will be asked to write a number of research papers which reference scholarly journal articles. I would further explain that Google Scholar is a search engine that specifically searches scholarly journal articles and gives you the resources on how to properly site them on a Works Cited page. I would need to address the digital citizenship concept of recognizing intellectual property and respect the rules for its use. I would explain the importance of citing the sources used in a paper and the consequences of failing to do so.

. The newsletter design taught me a lot of new skills in Word. I had already been semi-familiar with Word but had never had to use some of the features I used in the newsletter design. I hadn't realized how easy it was to make the body of the newsletter into columns but I had trouble at first making the title span the entire page instead of just the first column. I also learned how to further navigate the toolbar as I was only really familiar with the "home" tab and the tab used for making comments and track changes. I liked how the assignment made us write original articles. Even though they were fictitious, I enjoyed writing them and it gave me a sense of excitement for when I eventually become a teacher. This assignment helped me learn that in the future, I am going to have to send out messages and newsletter-like information to the parents of the students I will have in my classroom.
