Post 9

. The flipped classroom is an educational design in where instead of coming to class, listening to a lecture, and then doing homework on the lecture, the lectures are provided beforehand and students are able to come to class as "active learners engaged in exploration and discovery within the content's framework." The students are able to participate in group or individual activities to clarify information about the lecture instead of asking questions as the lecture is going on in class which can disrupt other students' learning. Teachers are using a variety of methods to make their lectures available such as sharing them on a closed network or website, writing them as blogs, and/or posting videos to YouTube.

. Open education is about making educational experiences to a wide audience. Essentially it is education that is not confined by any specific are like geography, academic level, etc.  The Great Courses Plus ( is a website that offers courses in a variety of subjects like history, science, economics, etc. They offer a free trial but after that, there is a fee. Open content specifies what people can and can't do with materials they find online, similar to copyright rules. Open Educational Resources ( is a website that allows educators to make their own resources that are available to anyone who wishes to use them.  Open source term that refers to software that source code is made available to anyone. This allows the software to be edited and/or upgraded by anyone who wishes to use it.  Moodle ( is an example.

. I learned a lot of new skills with the PowerPoint assignments like how to make action buttons, how to link all the slides in a presentation together, and how to easily insert transitions, animations, and images. The only thing I would add to improve the assignment is to add a block of class time where students are able to work on their presentations. I live off-campus with a Mac and I found it hard sometimes to try and find a computer with PowerPoint to make my presentations outside of class. I enjoyed the creative ability we were given and making presentations about the material I will probably teach at some point was very helpful.
