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Prior experiences with technology:
. I would say I have a lot of experience with technology. Although I am more "Apple" centered, I have worked with Microsoft Office for years now and have used some PC's in the past. I have an iPhone, a Mac, a smart TV, etc. and over time I have figured out how to use and apply this technology in my everyday life. For example, when I use my Mac, which uses the application Pages, I just discovered last year how to export a Pages document to a Word document so I would not have to write my paper's in a separate application on my Mac.

What I hope to learn from this class
. With the advancement of technology in the classroom, I want to gain a better understanding of the common technology used so I can be best equipped when I eventually start teaching and also to help understand easier ways of using the technology I already use.

What I learned about my learning style
. I have taken these types of surveys before and already knew I was a more visual learner but it was interesting to see the other categories I was placed in. I consider myself very introverted so although the intuitive and reflective learning styles did not surprise me, it was interesting to read about them and learn more about myself and how I learn.


  1. Great post! Many of my students are more "Apple-centered" and, sometimes, they find it difficult (especially at the beginning of the semester) to transition over to working on a PC. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!


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